How To Hide Stuff In Your Backpack (Complete Anti-Theft Guide)
Keeping your belongings safe and secure can be tricky. All it takes is a brief distraction - usually from a master thief - and you can find yourself missing a number of valuable essentials. Fortunately, there are several tips and tricks you can employ to transform your backpack into a secure anti-theft device rather than purchasing a thieve proof bag.
From hidden pockets to secret sections, read on for everything you need to know to keep your belongings safe, your privacy intact, and minimize time spent trying to cancel your credit cards using a borrowed phone!
In this guide, we show you how to hide stuff in your backpack.
Advantages of a Backpack With Built-in Anti-Theft Features
Keeping your belongings safe is important not only for your peace of mind but for your overall safety, security, and wellbeing. In the best-case scenario, you are temporarily inconvenienced for a short period of time, have your travels disrupted (maybe even your honeymoon), and are forced to change your plans.
In the worst case, you could be left stranded without crucial items such as money or your passport, and could even be the victim of fraud or identity theft. An anti-theft backpack offers several advantages to help avoid this situation.
Compact And Portable
Most backpacks of this type tend to be compact, making them perfect for slipping into overhead lockers or underneath train seats.
Comfortable And Lightweight
The last thing you want when traveling is sore shoulders and a backache from your backpack - the advantage is that many of these bags are portable and lightweight, making it easy to transport everything you need.
With a variety of sections to house your essentials, most anti-theft backpacks make it simple to organize and find your stuff, allowing you to find things more quickly and keep your belongings safe.
Increase Safety And Security
A common tactic for thieves is to cut away straps, allowing them to carry away your bag and belongings. Most anti-theft bags include steel cables to prevent this from happening, as well as Radio Frequency Identification blocking material to prevent sensitive information from being extracted from your credit cards.
How To Hide Stuff In Your Backpack (Creating A Secret Pocket)
As we have seen, an anti-theft backpack can be a wise investment, especially if you are planning to head off on your travels and want to ensure that your belongings are safe, secure, and right where you left them.
If a smart new bag is out of your budget, however, there is no need to worry - you can enjoy the same benefits by creating a secret pocket in your existing luggage - and the process is simpler than you may have anticipated!

How Do You Make A Hidden Pocket In A Backpack?
Learning how to make a secret pocket in your backpack is a straightforward process and, best of all, does not require tons of expensive equipment - you can get started with just a few supplies lying around your home.
What Will You Need?
What Do You Do?
There are just a few simple steps to follow to create your hidden pocket, and we will explore these below:
- 1Measure your cloth to the desired size of your internal pocket, and leave at least an inch around on all sides, just in case you run into an error while sewing.
- 2Place your new piece of fabric over the existing internal pocket, and pin it firmly in place at the corners - take care to avoid the pins coming through the other side of your backpack as you do this.
- 3Sew the fabric firmly in place, or use safety pins to secure the pocket if you do not want to sew.
- 4Grab the duct tape, and use this to carefully cover the edges of the fabric so that you have a neat edge. It is important to remember that you do not want this duct tape to be visible when you open the bag, so try and pick a color as close to the inside of your backpack as you can.
- 5And just like that, you have a perfect hidden pocket to keep your belongings safe, secure, and free from unwanted attention.

People Also Ask (FAQs)
How do I prevent theft in my backpack?
One of the best ways to prevent theft in your backpack is to invest in an anti-theft bag or to add a secret compartment using the method described above. A dummy wallet is also a good idea for a decoy.
How can I hide my phone in my backpack?
Hide your phone in your backpack by always concealing it in an internal pocket or pouch. In some cases, you can also plant a decoy “dumb” phone somewhere accessible, distracting thieves from your real belongings.
How do you outsmart a pickpocket?
You can outsmart a pickpocket by hiding your items in packaging or wrappings which seem boring, such as a tissue packet or a tampon wrapper. These are far less appealing to thieves and will reduce the chances of you being robbed if they do find your hidden compartment.
Can you use any fabric for a secret pocket in your backpack?
You can use any fabric for a secret pocket, but you should make sure that it is a similar color and texture to the inside of your bag so that it is well disguised and not immediately visible when you open the backpack.
Keeping your belongings safe when traveling allows you to enjoy an exciting trip, focused on exploring new places and meeting new people, without having to worry about losing your passport or cash. An anti-theft backpack or adding a hidden pocket is a great way to protect your items, keep yourself safe, and reduce your worries when traveling!